Job Description

Job Description

A Script Supervisor's job is split into two main functions:

The Finer Details

Keeping an impeccably fluid continuity of wardrobe, art, makeup, actors, camera angles, dialogue, scene coverage in feature and independent films, as well as television and commercials.

Master Organizer

Taking notes for the editors so they can quickly locate the shots they’re looking for, and also noting which takes are preferred by the Director and which ones aren’t!

I assist the Director in1229892_10151923312877474_889296413_n 2 maintaining details of story continuity (as shooting progresses) as well as creating and maintaining the Script Supervision Notes.

This is done by making sure everything looks the same from one shot to the next.  The script supervisor makes sure that actors’ positions, the costumes/clothing, background, and much more is the same from one shot to the next to avoid inconsistencies. For example, if an actor has a backpack. The script supervisor makes sure that in the next shot, that actor still has a backpack.

Weeks and sometimes months can pass between the shooting of back to back scenes in a story. Keeping continuity ensures that all wardrobe, hair, makeup, props and camera angles from Scene 24 shot today, match those of scene 23 which was shot 3 weeks ago.

In addition to these duties, as a script supervisor, I also give the 2nd Assistant Cameraman (AC)  as well as the Sound Mixer a scene and take number to ensure that the post house will be able to easily find the right piece of film to go with its matching sound.

Duties of a scri

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© Daniel McFadden


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  • To determine which “script day” each scene takes place on – how many days/nights we see in the film
  • To determine scene and page count of script
  • To provide breakdowns of flashbacks, progressions of injuries, etc, as needed
  • To provide script notes to editor
  • To provide daily progress report to A.D.’s and editor
  • To determine what scene number, camera/sound rolls, scene description for each setup
  • To time each take from action to cut circle the takes the director likes, inform sound and camera of circled takes
  • To track all continuity during filming of each scene